Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Base Training, Week 9

Monday, November 12th:

Off.  First day off in two weeks.  Well-deserved.

Tuesday, November 13th:

Off.  Life got busy and I just couldn't make time for a run today.  Sad thing is, tomorrow's schedule is not looking too promising, either.  I will probably amend this to a recovery/down week and try to run Thursday-Sunday.  Probably not a bad idea anyway, since I have been building up (albeit slowly) for 8 weeks in a row now.

Wednesday, November 14th:

Off.  Zero.  Zip.  Zilch.  Nada.  Was at work by 7:00 am, got home at 6:20 pm, left for my daughter's school conference at 6:30 pm, got home at 8:00 pm, and have to be back to work tomorrow morning at 6:45 am.  Just wasn't meant to be, which is a-okay.  As I said yesterday, I am due for a down/recovery week.  If all goes well, I will jump back on the saddle tomorrow night.

Thursday, November 15th:

5:05 pm, 45-42 degrees, 65%, calm.  Kilmer-CH Blvd-Hialeah-Neighborhood.  Brooks Ravenna 3.

12k total - 3k warm up, 4x1k "hard" w/600m jogs, 2.6k cool down
~7.5 mi total

Splits: 4:00 (long gradual uphill) 3:50 (long gradual downhill) 3:52 (short gradual uphill, short gradual downhill) 3:50 (long steep uphill).

Average pace for "hard" segments: 3:53/km or 6:15/mi

Good way to get back into running - what a workout!  I wasn't intentionally timing the splits just running them on a consistent "hard" effort.  The last rep was incredibly tough with the climb up Hialeah - I was nearly all-out the last 200m.  The recoveries were slow enough and long enough that I felt fully rested at the start of each rep.  Probably would have been a little easier if I had daylight to run in, but it is what it is.  Overall, very pleased with the effort and results.

Friday, November 16th:

1:20 pm, 49 degrees, 45%, 5-10mph.  Maple Shade Loop (M).  Nike Structure Triax 15 Shield.

10k easy - BOF 4:53 (5:13, 4:57-:47, 4:45)
~6.2 mi easy - 7:51 average

Today was an easy recovery day from yesterday.  Never looked at the watch once.  Thought I was running much slower than I actually was, because it felt super easy.  My calves were really tight when I woke up but loosened up throughout the day and were fine during the run.  Absolutely perfect weather helped.  Getting excited for Philly Marathon weekend for my family and friends.

Saturday, November 17th:

6:40 am, 33 degrees, 75%, 5mph.  Grove-Kings Hwy-Haddon-Maple.  Brooks Ravenna 3.

13k easy - BOF 4:52 (5:14 4:58 58 57 53 50 50 49 49 48 50 44 39)
~8.1 mi - 7:50 average

The splits tell the whole story.  Never looked at the watch once, yet ran like clockwork.  Couldn't have tried to run so steady.  Being truthful, though, my legs did start to get numb and stiff the last 4k.  Had to practice keeping hands/jaw relaxed to maintain form and resist the urge to "fight through it."  May have been a little dehydrated from an upset stomach last night.  Still, a great run.

Sunday, November 18th:

6:45 am, 37-45 degrees, 70%, 5-10mph.  Philadelphia.  Brooks Ravenna 3.

~20k total, 4:55 total average, including 5k@4:14/km pace
~12.4 mi, 7:55 total average, including 3.1 mi@6:48/mi pace

Philadelphia Marathon.  Was mostly a spectator with Rich, running to mile markers 6, 11, 17 and 23.  Ran the last 5km with Denning to help him finish.  It was an unbelievable feeling to guide him in - probably more emotionally satisfying than my own sub-3:00 hr marathon.  Overall an unbelievable day for the team: Tom 2:45, Colleen 2:46, Oleg 2:53, Jim 2:53, John 2:58, Mike 3:03.  Rich and I got to witness firsthand what an unbelievable group of runners we have!

Weekly Total: 55km

An unplanned down week, but it was perfect timing.  I got to let my body recover this week, and still put in two quality sessions counting today's long run with an M-pace 5km.  Can't wait until I am ready to run my own marathon again - what an experience!

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