Monday, November 19, 2012

Base Training, Week 10

Monday, November 19th:

7:35 pm, 49 degrees, 70%, 5-10mph.  Maple Shade Loop.  Nike Structure Triax 15 Shield.

8k easy - BOF 4:51 (5:07, 4:53-:47, 4:46)
~5 mi easy - 7:49 average

Simply magical.  Seemed as if I were running downhill the whole way.  Had to hold myself back.  Most incredible I have felt on an easy run since I started running again.  Maybe just a carryover effect from yesterday's emotional marathon experience, but man did that feel good tonight.

Tuesday, November 20th:

6:35 pm, 47 degrees, 55%, 5-15mph.  Kilmer Loop +.  Brooks Ravenna 3.

10k easy - BOF 4:59 (5:02-4:53)
~6.2 mi easy - 8:01 average

As great as I felt last night, I felt just as depleted today.  No real energy, but somehow kept a miraculously consistent pace.  At least I finished feeling good the last km.

Wednesday, November 21st:

8:50 am, 42-45 degrees, 70%, 0-5mph.  2x Tavistock Loop.  Brooks Ravenna 3.

12k total - Fartlek 4:38, with uphills "on" (Upland, Greenmount, Triple Hill), everything else "off"
~7.5 mi total - 7:27 average

"On" splits: (4:03 08 3:47 54 58 44)/km, or (6:31 39 05 17 23 00)

Loved the lack of real "structure" of this workout, as I ran it primarily on feel.  Handled all of the hilly "on" segments very well and recovered from each very quickly, as I kept an honest pace in-between each hilly segment once I got moving.  Nice confidence booster.

Thursday, November 22nd:
 Happy Thanksgiving!

7:45 am, 39 degrees, 70%, 0-5mph.  Maple Shade Loop (M).  Nike Structure Triax 15 Shield.

10k recovery - 5:05 (5:18, 5:08-:01, 4:57)
~6.2 mi - 8:11 average

Smooth as silk the whole way.  Great rhythm, felt incredibly loose.  Very thankful for today's run. :)

Friday, November 23rd:

9:30 am, 44-50 degrees, 80-70%, 0-10mph.  Haddonfield (Pearl Croft-Pennypacker-Tavistock).  Brooks Ravenna 3.

18.4k easy - BOF 4:40 (5:10, 4:52-:31, 4:29)
~11.4 mi - 7:30 average

Great easy long run with Rich.  Perfect weather and fall landscape.  Mixed it up with some flat running, some trail running, and finally some hills.  Finished feeling strong.

Saturday, November 24th:

10:40 am, 42 degrees, 50%, 15-30mph.  2x Pennypacker Park.  Nike Structure Triax 15 Shield.

8k slow - 5:09 pace
~5m slow - 8:17 average

Cherry Hill West Alumni run.  Ran the first long loop with Bill Addison and his son, and the second loop by myself.  Very gusty today.  Probably good I ran slow anyway after yesterday's long run.  Followed up the run with a whole plate of cheesesteak nachos at Kaminski's!

Sunday, November 25th:

7:40 am, 35 degrees, 50%, 5-10mph.  Cherry Hill West.  Adidas Adizero Tempo 4.

11.6k - 2.6k warm up, 4x (400m@HMP+5secs/mi, 1200m@HMP+40secs/mi), 2.6k cool down
7.2 mi total - tempo splits (1:34/5:08, 1:35/5:06, 1:35/5:06, 1:32/5:04)

First formal track workout since March 31st.  Felt smooth and in control the entire way. 

Weekly Total: 78 km (~48.5 mi)

Felt like I put together a really nice week.  A fartlek hill workout, a moderate long run that included hills, and a comfortable tempo run that averaged 6:40/mi pace overall.  As long as I continue to feel good, I will increase the difficulty and duration of workouts.

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