Saturday, May 26, 2012

Rock Bottom

I am reduced now to doing nothing - not even the stationary bike.  My symptoms have stopped improving, and I have been forced to schedule an appointment with a sports medicine orthopedist - something I probably should have done a month ago. 

The good news is it can only get better from here.  Whatever the eventual diagnosis, whatever the prescribed recovery, whatever my fitness level when I return...I vow to be a better, healthier runner when all is said and done.  Until then, I am Whitman's "noiseless patient spider," waiting for my gossamer thread to catch somewhere.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear that you have been sidelined.

    Sidenote: I dig Whitman.

  2. Sidenote response: I know it's practically blasphemy for me to say this, but I think that Walt Whitman is entirely overrated in the canon of Western poets. Even American poets. I think Dickinson has so much more value than Whitman. That being said, he left us with a handful of truly priceless gems, my favorite of which is "A Noiseless Patient Spider." One of the most perfect poems in all aspects: subject matter, word choice, style and execution. Just perfect.

    1. I dig Whitman and his overinflated lines and self of self. Very American. I read LOTS of Leaves of Grass in college. I remember liking it a lot. But I was very young when I read Whitman. It may not hold up to my more mature eyes.

      My favorite poet right now is Billy Collins. I got to hear him speak in Philly. I heart him.
